Plant Profile


a.k.a. ‘Lickety Split’

We love the ‘Lickety Split’ Philodendron for its unique foliage and easy care. It makes a great statement  plant for a spacious corner and give instant tropical vibes. We’re obsessed with its unique foliage - curly edges and deep splits into the leaf make this one stand out and each of its leaves will grow in its own unique shape. As an indoor plant, this Philodendron will reach heights of approx 3ft. It is know as a ‘clumping’ philodendron, meaning it won’t vine like other Philodendron varieties, but will grow more as an upright plant.

Top Tips

✔ Wipe the leaves down regularly with a damp microfibre cloth to help increase light absorption.

✔ Prune back to encourage a more bushy, full appearance.

✔ Regularly rotate to encourage even growth.


Plant Care

  • Can adapt to different light conditions but prefers medium to bright indirect light. Growth will be slower in lower light.

  • Philodendron’s are quite drought tolerant so you can let the soil dry out at least 50% before watering again. Frequency of watering may need to increase in the summer / active growing season.

  • These plants will adapt relatively well to normal UK house humidity, but if you feel your room humidity might be lower that average, try and increase by misting or placing on a pebble tray.

  • Fertilise monthly in the growing season, between April and August to encourage a good growth spurt.

  • Ideal temperature is between 16 - 23 C. Avoid cold draughts

  • Toxic if ingested

  • Can be quite easily propagated by offshoots or stem cuttings.

Quick plant check up

Yellow leaves


Most commonly to do with watering - make sure you are allowing your soil to dry out before watering again, and try and keep your watering schedule regular. Leaves will also yellow if the plant is not receiving enough light.

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