Plant Profile

Snake Plant

a.k.a. Sansevieria // Mother in laws tongue // Devil’s tongue

Native to Africa, Madagascar and Southern Asia, the sanseveria family are super stylish and easy to care for. Known for their purifying abilities they remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene toxins from the air. Although classed as a ‘slow-grower’ the blades can reach 60cm+ eventually. Snakes plants come in a whole load of varieties, the most common being laurentii and zeylanica.

Top Tips

✔  Try and remember to aerate the soil before watering. Good drainage is essential for good plant health. 

✔ Remember to wipe leaves semi regularly to remove any dust or dirt buildup, this ensures optimal light reaches the leaves.

✔ As the Snake Plant is drought tolerant, if you are unsure about whether it is too soon for a water, give it another week. It will be happier missing a drink than having them too frequently.


Plant Care

  • Grows best in bright, filtered light but highly adaptable to the environment and can survive in lower, indirect light. Increase the water frequency the brighter the conditions.

  • Allow the top 50% soil to dry out between watering and do not leave roots standing in water. Too much water/moisture will result in the leaves turning yellow and base rot.

  • This plant does not require extra humidity, however, an occasional, light mist will be appreciated in the winter months when the central heating is ‘GO’.

  • Feed with a cactus & succulent fertiliser once a month in the growing season (Spring-Autumn).

  • Snake Plants prefer a warmer climate but can survive a wide range of temperatures from 15-25°C! It will not be happy in temperatures below 10°C.

  • This plant is toxic to humans and pets if ingested - be sure to keep away from small children and pets.

  • Occasionally new small shoots will come up around the base of the plant. If you remove it from the pot you can trim these shoots off at the base of the roots and place them in water for propagation.

  • Does not like to be re-potted too often - leave several years between at least.

Quick plant check up


Curled/wrinkled leaves


The plant has been left for a very long time with no water. Stand the plant in several inches of water and leave to drink until the water has reached the top 2-3 inches of soil. 

Leaves moulding at base


Base/root rot caused by overwatering.

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Snake Plant // Variegated
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