Plant Profile
a.k.a. Syngonium Nephthytis // Goosefoot Plant
Originally from the tropical rainforests of South America, the Arrowhead Plant is loved as a houseplant for its easy-going nature and distinctive shaped leaves that vary in colour from dark green through to white and even pink. Although the Arrowhead is a relatively easy houseplant to care for, it is worth noting that as it grows and matures it develops into a climber and therefore does require some pruning in order to stop it from becoming unruly.
Top Tips
✔ Regularly rotate the Arrowhead to help encourage even growth on all sides of the plant.
✔ Prune the Arrowhead Plant if you’d like it to stay full and bushy rather than become a climbing vine.
Plant Care
Although the Arrowhead is tolerant of low light, the plant will really thrive when receiving bright, indirect light. The Arrowhead plant is not suited to receiving direct light as this will scorch its leaves so make sure to position it away from windows.
Water the Arrowhead when the top 1-2 inches of soil becomes dry, make sure to water the plant until water starts running out of the bottom drainage holes. During the winter months the plant won’t need to be watered as frequently.
Average home humidity is fine for the Arrowhead. However, the plant does prefer slightly higher humidity levels so misting every couple of days is recommended.
During the spring and summer, feed the Arrowhead once a month whilst watering the plant. There is no need to feed the plant when its growth rate slows down during the winter months.
Normal home temperatures between 15 - 25°C will be fine for the Arrowhead.
This plant is toxic if consumed so keep away from children and pets.
Arrowhead plants can be easily propagated using stem cuttings, for best results it is recommended that propagation takes place during the spring. When cutting the plant make sure to choose a shoot that already has a couple of leaves and cut just below the nodes. The cutting can then either be rooted into water or into compost. If rooting into water, make sure that the water levels are maintained and the water is clean. After a few weeks new roots should begin to grow and the plant will be ready to be planted into a pot.
The Arrowhead will probably need to be repotted every couple of years, however this depends on its speed of growth and how root bound the plant is. When repotting, the plant can either be separated into smaller plants or the whole plant can be replanted into a larger pot.
Quick plant check up
Yellowing leaves
This will be the result of the plant being under watered. Make sure that the plant is watered once the top soil becomes dry.
Brown tips on leaves
This will probably be due to dry air around the plant. Misting regularly is highly recommended, also ensure that the plant is not positioned near any radiators etc.
Leaf veins turning yellow
This will be the result of low humidity and/or a lack of water. Give the plant a drink and mist it regularly to help boost humidity levels.