Plant Profile

Asparagus Fern

a.k.a. Lace Fern // Climbing Asparagus

Despite what its name might lead you to believe, the Asparagus Fern is actually a member of the liliaceae family. Native to South Africa, the Asparagus Fern is an elegant, attractive houseplant with frilly, feathery foliage which can be grown upright, or made to trail or climb. If Asparagus Ferns are happy with their growing environment they can produce small white/pink flowers and berries in the spring. The Asparagus Fern does not like to be touched and although it looks beautiful and fluffy it develops sharp thorns, so it is best to pop the plant on a shelf and admire it from afar!

Top Tips

✔ Asparagus Ferns need very little water during the dormant winter months so make sure to avoid overwatering the plant. 

✔ Prune the Asparagus Fern to help keep its shape. 

✔ Avoid unnecessary touching or handling of the plant as this can damage the individual needles and cause them to drop.


Plant Care

  • The Asparagus Fern prefers moderate to bright, indirect light which reflects its natural habitat of growing in the dappled shade of large trees in the forest.

  • During the growing period the Asparagus Fern likes a good drink, so when watering make sure the soil gets thoroughly moist (but not soggy!) Allow the top couple of inches of soil to dry between waterings.

  • Asparagus Ferns prefer slightly higher humid environments. If possible position the plant in a steamy bathroom, if not mist the plant regularly to help increase humidity levels.

  • During the summer the Asparagus Fern will benefit from a monthly feeding with a water soluble fertiliser.

  • The Asparagus Fern can tolerate most normal indoor temperatures, however try to avoid temperatures dipping below 12°C.

  • Toxic if ingested - keep away from small children and pets.

  • Asparagus Ferns can be propagated by planting the berries of the plant. The plant can also be propagated through division. The day before dividing the plant make sure to water it thoroughly as this will help to make the process easier. Use a sharp knife to divide the plant, making sure that each section contains part of the root with growing shoots. Plant the sections into new pots, keep them in a shady spot and water them regularly.

  • The Asparagus Fern does not mind being slightly root bound and so will only need to be repotted every couple of years.

Quick plant check up

Yellow needles


Usually indicates overwatering

Brown needles


Can be a sign of low humidity

Grow your plant gang

Asparagus Fern
from £6.50



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