Plant Profile

Boston Fern

a.k.a. Nephrolepis Exaltata // Green Lady Sword Fern

One of the easiest ferns to care for, the Boston Fern originally hails from humid forests and swamps, and was first brought to popularity by the Victorians. The plant’s love for a humid environment has now made the Boston Fern an incredibly popular choice for bathrooms. It’s easy to see why the Boston Fern is an interior design favourite, its elegant, drooping foliage can be displayed in a number of ways (it looks particularly awesome in a hanging planter) and brings a lush splash of green to any home.

Top Tips

✔ Rotate the plant occasionally to keep it growing evenly.

✔ For extra humidity, try placing the Boston Fern’s pot on a tray filled with pebbles. Water to keep the pebbles wet, making sure that the pot is sat on the pebbles and not in the water.


Plant Care

  • When growing indoors the Boston Fern thrives in bright, indirect light.

  • Water the Boston Fern with lukewarm water when the top soil becomes slightly dry, aim to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Reduce watering during the winter months.

  • The Boston Fern loves a humid environment, a spot in a steamy, bright bathroom is perfect. If the humidity levels are below 80%, mist the plant regularly and group with other plants to help boost humidity.

  • Apply liquid fertiliser occasionally during the growing season, from spring to early Autumn.

  • The Boston Fern will be fine in average room temperatures, however make sure the room the plant is positioned in does not fall below 10°C. Also avoid positioning the Boston Fern near radiators and air conditioning units.

  • This plant is not toxic.

  • It is super easy to propagate a Boston Fern using the division method. Simply separate the plant’s roots from each other and then pot the plants separately in fresh soil. It is recommended to propagate the Boston Fern in the early spring in order to give the plant plenty of time to recover in the growing season.

  • The plant should be repotted if it is becoming too big for its current pot and root bound. It is best to repot a Boston Fern during the spring when the plant is actively growing. Water the plant a couple of days before repotting as this will help the moist soil cling to the roots and make the entire process easier.

Quick plant check up


Brown tips on leaves


This will be due to the humidity levels being too low or allowing the soil to dry out too much between waterings. Make sure to regularly mist the plant and keep the soil moist.

Leaves falling


This is probably due to a change in environment, e.g. if your plant is new it will need some time to get used to its new surroundings in your home. If you’ve had your plant for a while check that there hasn’t been any big changes in the lighting or temperature conditions.



This is one of the most common problems for a Boston Fern and occurs when the plant is not watered sufficiently, resulting in drought conditions. The plant will turn grey and stop growing, increasing watering should help to resolve the issue.

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